
Are you struggling with IELTS writing? Get insider help from a former IELTS examiner and understand EXACTLY how to get Band 7+ on IELTS writing.

"I got a 7 on the writing section this time. Thanks for all your help!"

- Jenny G. from China

why work with Toronto ielts prep online writing training?

Our IELTS writing training system has simple, fool-proof rules and templates that show you how to give the examiner EXACTLY what they are looking for in the SHORTEST way possible. We can help...

  • Even if you’ve gotten a low score repeatedly
  • Even if you can’t write well in your native language
  • Even if your grammar is terrible
  • Even if you have no idea how to start

This simple yet powerful writing system teaches you everything you need to get Band 7+ on IELTS writing. It helps you avoid the serious mistakes that will KILL your score, and it shows you EXACTLY what to say and how to say it.

Powerful writing training, NOT just writing corrections

Writing corrections by themselves don't work. If the teacher doesn't re-check your work, neither of you knows if you can do it properly. That's like a doctor's visit with no follow-up.

Toronto IELTS Prep is the ONLY program where your writing is checked TWICE. These steps make a huge difference in your writing:

1. Review short lessons, templates, model responses, typical mistakes. 

2. Write your response.

3. Receive detailed, descriptive feedback and a band score.

4. Revise your work based on the feedback and follow-up lessons.

5. Receive a 2nd round of feedback with corrections.

100+ model responses written by native speaker IELTS examiners 

High quality example responses written by actual examiners show you our writing system in action, and train you how to write this way automatically. 

- 60+ Writing Task #2 example responses

- 30+ Writing Task #1 Academic example responses

- 30+ Writing Task #1 General example responses

100% effective templates

Our templates make life easy: they tell you EXACTLY what to write in each sentence of your response AND include sentence skeletons that boost your grammar and vocabulary scores.

"IELTS is harder to prepare for than all of my medical exams!"

Dr. Dina T.

Like many doctors looking to re-start their professional life in Canada, Dina was frustrated and depressed. She took IELTS repeatedly and failed to get the Band 7 on writing she needed, even though she always got Band 7 on Speaking, Reading, and Listening. After IELTS writing training with Toronto IELTS Prep, Dina completely simplified her approach and got the Band 7 she deserved.

Congratulations, Dr. Dina!

Yes, IELTS is hard. However, we have developed a powerful formula for IELTS writing. It tells you exactly what to include in every line of your response and it works 100% effectively:

  • The information you MUST include in your writing, and what you DON’T need to include: Templates and checklists ensure you include everything that is required. You’ll also be surprised to discover what you DON’T need to include. An IELTS essay is NOT the same as an essay for high school or university. Many online writing guides are needlessly complicated and cause you to waste time and lose marks writing completely unnecessary content.
  • The shortest possible structure to cover the content requirements: There are a few specific requirements the examiner is looking for, which can be covered in a surprisingly short essay. Anything else, no matter how nice it sounds, will not improve your score. Quality of writing is not related to quantity of writing.
  • The specific types of examples you MUST include for a high score: You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to develop the kind of examples the examiner wants to see. You only need to know 3 easy ways to develop examples.

In addition, for a high band score, you need to:

  • Master the 10 grammar and sentence structures that cover over 80% of writing situations: There are 12 active voice verb tenses and 8 passive voice verb tenses, as well as 23 different sentence structures in English. However, you only need to master 10 of them for Band 7 level writing. Examiners are on the lookout for these.
  • Learn how to avoid making mistakes when writing under pressure: Following this process breaks down writing into small, easy steps. This helps you both avoid mistakes and develop your ideas properly.
  • Use a much more effective method to edit your work: Most people don’t know how to catch their own mistakes. There is a surprisingly effective way to do this based on cognitive science research, and it is NOT how we are taught to proofread and edit in school.

Our Unique Training System

This is NOT just a writing correction service! Writing correction by itself does not help YOU much because the instructor is not re-checking your work to see if YOU understand how to fix your errors.

Our unique training system provides in-depth, detailed feedback and follow-up lessons AND gives you the opportunity to revise your writing for a second round of feedback and corrections. You need this last step to show your instructor whether YOU understand how to correct your errors.

“You’re really different from my previous IELTS teacher. He was ok, but the advice was too general – it didn’t help me improve. You give very specific advice on what I should do to fix my writing. It’s really helpful! As well, the way that you explain the scoring process for each writing task is very helpful. Nobody before explained it as clearly as you explain it.“

Dr. Ghazaleh p.

  • 1. Review short lessons, templates, model responses, and typical mistakes. Custom designed templates for all prompt types show you the most efficient and effective way to answer each question type.
  • 2. Write your response. All writing is posted in the course website for easy reference. There's no emailing back-and-forth.
  • 3. Receive detailed, descriptive feedback and a band score using the official IELTS rubric. Colour-coding shows you exactly what types of issues are costing you the most marks, and thus what you need to fix first. Feedback includes detailed comments and targeted follow-up mini grammar lessons that focus on your specific weak areas.

I appreciate all your corrections and tips. It made a huge difference to notice that [not enough] “error-free” sentences were pushing my score down. I tried to control those errors during my last test, and it seems everything went well!”

“I just wrote the texts in a simple way instead of using complex structures to give a good impression. I also paid more attention to subject / verb and tenses, avoiding those basic single/plural errors. I didn’t have time to read and correct my texts at the end (like always), but I believe that I controlled my errors during the writing process.

Dr. Bruno E.

Dr. Bruno had taken IELTS repeatedly and failed to get at least Band 7 on writing, which he needed to work as a doctor in Canada. After training with Toronto IELTS Prep, Dr. Bruno simplified his approach to writing and finally got the Band 7 he needs. Congratulations, Dr. Bruno!

  • 4. Revise your work based on the feedback and follow-up lessons. If you aren't re-writing your work and your teacher isn't re-checking it, you have NO IDEA if you understand how to fix your problems. For that reason, just getting your writing assessed or corrected doesn't help YOU learn how to write. That's why in this program, you revise all of your work based on the feedback. You'll be surprised at how many problems you can solve by yourself once you learn how to spot them!
  • 5. Receive a 2nd round of feedback with corrections. After you've submitted your revised writing, your work will be corrected. You'll receive explanations for grammar changes and recommendations for better ways to express your ideas. You might be assigned additional follow-up mini grammar lessons.

Talk to a former examiner and find out BY TOMORROW why you're not getting Band 7 on writing and EXACTLY what you need to do to reach Band 7+.

Get started training right away.

Gambling on IELTS doesn't work

IELTS makes more money when you fail. It’s that simple.

IELTS is a business, a REALLY BIG business. IELTS LOVES IT when students take the test over and over again, HOPING for a better result!

IDP, the private company that co-owns IELTS, made over $400 MILLION USD in 2019 thanks to test takers GAMBLING that they can beat the test just by trying again and again.

I hope taking the exam over and over again and HOPING for a better result isn’t YOUR test strategy!

Instead, talk to a former examiner and find out BY TOMORROW why you're not getting Band 7 on writing and EXACTLY what you need to do to reach Band 7+. This ONE consultation has helped many test takers finally understand precisely what to write.

"My name is Pasha, I am a Persian physician living in Canada for about 5 years. I have done all the medical qualification exams, got stuck behind the IELTS exam. Had this exam four times already, and these are the results:


The surprising fact is that the first time I registered for the exam, I didn’t even study one page for it. After almost 9 months of reading lots of books, doing mock exams and many essay corrections, I still get 6.5."


Doctors are among the smartest people on earth, and they study hard! What happened?

There is not much Pasha could have done on his own. Unless you are an expert, it's very difficult to understand how to give IELTS examiners what they are looking for. Pasha just needed help understanding the specific content requirements and best structures for that content. 

After only 6 writing assignments, Dr. Pasha got 7.5 on writing.


Reading 8.0, Listening 9.0, Writing 7.5, Speaking 7.5

“This was the best result I had. Thank you so much. I appreciate what you did for me.”

I hope taking the exam over and over again HOPING for a better result isn’t YOUR test strategy!

20+ years of experience helping students master academic writing

Jan Waginski

I’m a former IELTS examiner, high school English teacher, experienced college and university essay writing instructor, and corporate trainer who helps busy professionals and hard-working students reach their IELTS goals. I’ve been helping new Canadians master academic and professional English for 20 years, helping them get into the toughest programs at the best schools, qualify for immigration, and get promoted at work.


  • Former IELTS Examiner for IDP Canada
  • Certified Ontario high school teacher specializing in Grade 12 English for ESL students
  • Former essay writing instructor at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (CultureWorks-UOIT)
  • Former essay writing instructor at Seneca College
  • ESL and Business English instructor at Henan Agricultural University
  • 10 years of business English and professional communication skills corporate training experience: Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) of Ontario, Financial Services Commission of Ontario, Office of the Fire Marshall of Ontario, Transamerica Life Canada Insurance Company, Platform Computing
  • Native speaker, neutral accent


  • IDP: IELTS examiner training (IDP co-owns the IELTS exam)
  • University of Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
  • York University: Psychology and Political Science
  • TESL Ontario: Certified Ontario ESL teacher specializing in IELTS

STUDENT testimonials

Join this proud group of students who are now doing what they love:

"Thank you so much Mr. Jan for your help and guidance. Without your strict corrections I wouldn’t have scored this much."

Dr. Faiza M. from India just got the Band 7+ she needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Faiza!

OVERALL BAND 7.5Reading 7, Listening 8, Writing 7, Speaking 7.5

"I am just sending a message because I thought about you when I got an offer from Ryerson University. I really want to say thank you! All of this could happen because of your kindness and help. It did give me a strength to live in Canada… It’s really hard to contain my appreciation to you in a text but I am trying to ha ha. I was really afraid of confronting different people but your support helped me to overcome it. So thank you again 🙂"

MJ S. from Korea was just accepted to Mechanical Engineering at Ryerson University. Congratulations, MJ!

OVERALL BAND 7.0 | Reading 7.0, Listening 8.5, Writing 6.0, Speaking 7.0

"I would like to thank you for all the support you gave to me. I finally reached band 7!

I appreciate all your corrections and tips. It made a huge difference to notice that [not enough] “error-free” sentences were pushing my score down. I tried to control those errors during my last test, and it seems everything went well!

I just wrote the texts in a simple way instead of using complex structures to give a good impression. I also paid more attention to subject / verb and tenses, avoiding those basic single/plural errors. I didn’t have time to read and correct my texts at the end (like always), but I believe that I controlled my errors during the writing process.

Thanks again for all the lessons and tips, it made a huge difference to notice that one of my biggest problems in writing was the “error-free sentences”."

Dr. Bruno E. From Venezuela now has the Band 7+ he needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Bruno!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 8.5, Listening 8, Writing 7.0, Speaking 7.0

"Jan, I took my academic IELTS and I got 7.5 in writing. All credits go to you and I have no words to say thank you."

Dr. Nadira B. from India now has the Band 7+ in writing she needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Nadira!


"I finally got all 7s!"

Dr. Dina T. from Iraq now has the Band 7 she needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Dina!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 8.5, Listening 8, Writing 7.0, Speaking 7.0

"Hello Jan. I took an IELTS test last week and got a 7 in writing. The practice I had before test was of great help to me. Thank you very much for your help."

Jessica W. from China now has the Band 8.0 she needs for immigration. Congratulations, Jessica!

OVERALL BAND 8.0 | Reading 8, Listening 8, Writing 7, Speaking 7

"I got 8.5 on IELTS writing and I’m pretty satisfied with the score. Thanks again for your helpful tips!"

After ONE training session, Daisy H. from China scored 8.5 on writing, which she needs for immigration to Canada. Congratulations, Daisy!

OVERALL BAND 8.5 | Reading 9, Listening 9, Writing 8.5, Speaking 8

"I am writing this message to you in order to share some amazing news with you! I finally got my CLB 9 on the IELTS GT, thanks to your help on writing. Your method is definitely the best approach I’ve ever had. Thank you so much, I cannot express my gratitude."

Marinna E. from Spain now has the band 7.5 she needs for PR (permanent residency). Congratulations, Marinna!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 7, Listening 8, Writing 7, Speaking 8.5

"I’m delighted to tell you that I got the marks I need in the last IELTS exam. I’m sure that I achieved these bands because of your tremendous effort and help… Before I joined the course my English language was not good especially in writing, and my highest result in IELTS exam was 5.5 in writing. I heard about the course from a friend, so I enrolled in it, and from the first session I understood that this course is better than other courses that I attended before. This is because the teacher, Mr. Jan, has a very good command of English. He delivers the information to students in a very nice way, and his sessions are full with important details like grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. His platform is highly informative and contain all the materials that are required to improve your English particularly speaking and writing. For instance, the vocabulary app was very beneficial to increase my vocab. Additionally, Mr. Jan was professional in correcting my essays and I learned a lot from him. I highly recommend this course for everyone who wants to improve his or her English or to get good marks in IELTS exam.

I want to thank you for your continuous support and advice."

Dr. Firas A.B. from Iraq now has the Band 7+ he needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Firas!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 9, Listening 7, Writing 7, Speaking 7

"I want to thank you for all your help and support for the last four months!

University of Toronto and Ryerson accepted this results. If you don’t mind, I would like to continue attending your class online to keep improving my writing."

Rama A. from Saudi Arabia just got the Band 7 she needs to study architecture at University of Toronto or Ryerson. Congratulations, Rama!

OVERALL BAND 7 | Reading 6.5, Listening 7, Writing 6, Speaking 8

"I got a 7 on the writing section this time. Thanks for all your help!"

After completing only 4 writing assignments, Jenny G. from China just got the Band 7+ she needs for a work placement. Congratulations, Jenny!

OVERALL BAND 8.5 | Reading 8, Listening 9, Writing 7, Speaking 9

"I am really happy to inform that I passed on IELTS with overall 7!! My score on writing was 6.5

I want to thank you for all your tips, advices, and everything that you have done for me. Your are such an awesome teacher, and you made a big difference in my studies! Thank you so much!"

Marcela V. from Venezuela just got the Band 7 she needs to work as a massage therapist in Canada. Congratulations, Marcela!

OVERALL BAND 7 | Reading 7.5, Listening 6.5, Writing 6.5, Speaking 6.5

"I have achieved the desired score and received the invitation from the immigration agency. I appreciate your help with my IELTS writing and speaking, and I would recommend you to my friends if they are also studying for the IELTS exam."

Wenda J. from China now has the Band 7 overall he needs for permanent residency (PR). Congratulations, Wenda!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 8.5, Listening 7.5, Writing 6.5, Speaking 7

"I am writing to share my latest IELTS result with you. I got band 7 in writing and 6.5 in Speaking. I am very excited to see my improvements. I’ve learned so much from you and I will keep learning English in my daily life. Thanks for every thing you have done for me!"

Mango L. from China now has the Band 7.5 overall she needs for a master’s program at University of British Columbia. Congratulations, Mango!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 8, Listening 8.5, Writing 7, Speaking 6.5

"Hello! I have already received the IELTS Test Results and I passed it. (Listening 7.0  Reading 6.5  Writing 6.5  Speaking 7.0  Overall 7.0) I had a good time on the IELTS class and I very appreciate you as my teacher. Thanks!" 

Qianhao L. from China, after only 11 classes, raised his writing Band score from 5.5 to 6.5 AND his speaking Band score from 6.0 to 7.0.

Qianhao now has the Band 7.0 overall he needs for Engineering at University of Waterloo. Congratulations, Qianhao!

OVERALL BAND 7.0 | Reading 6.5, Listening 7.0, Writing 6.5, Speaking 7.0

"I am extremely happy to share with you my IELTS result (attached). I got the scores that I needed, and it would not have been possible without your guidances.

I was skeptical about my writing test, as I could finish two essays critical timely. I did not get time to read again, and as you know I do lot of typing errors and simple grammars which could be caught only during revision. But it worked.

I would like to express gratitude for your devotion and hard work, helping students for their career."

Dr. Navin M. from India now has the Band 7+ he needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Navim!

OVERALL BAND 8.0 | Reading 8.5, Listening 8.5, Writing 7, Speaking 7

"Thank you for your help. Without your help, it would have been impossible."

Dr. Ghazaleh P. from Iran now has the Band 7+ she needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Ghazaleh!

OVERALL BAND 8.0 | Reading 8.5, Listening 8.5, Writing 7, Speaking 8

"Just got my results. They are what I was hoping for!"

Q. What helped you the most from our one session together?

A. "From our session, the most useful part was to hear you explain the format, and to compare it to all the different types of essays. It was also extremely useful to have you go over my essays scoring them according to the score guide. This gave some key points to focus on."

After ONE training session, Lev K. from Ukraine now has the Band 8.5 he needs for PR (permanent residency). Congratulations, Lev!

OVERALL BAND 8.5 | Reading 8.5, Listening 8.5, Writing 7.5, Speaking 8.5

"This is Daisy and I took your course this August. I just received my IELTS result and scored 7.5 in writing!

Thank you very much for the program which really improved my writing skills in all four aspects, especially task achievements and grammars.

As I mentioned in one of my previous emails, I did and will continue to recommend your website to other test-takers.

Thank you again


After ONE training session, on her first IELTS attempt, Daisy D. from China scored 7.5 on writing, which she needs to work as an immigration consultant. Congratulations, Daisy!


"I am writing to express my gratitude for your help in reaching my desired goal in writing.

I scored 7.5 in writing this time, which is quite amazing compared to my previous score of 6.5. I followed the TREES pattern you suggested and wrote in the simplest manner I could. Also, I believe the one on one feedback session was very helpful in clearing all my queries. I would suggest to never abandon this approach.

Thank you again for all your input."

After ONE training session, Mohit G. from India raised his writing score from 6.5 to 7.5, which he needs for immigration to Canada. Congratulations, Mohit!

OVERALL BAND 8.0 | Reading 8, Listening 8.5, Writing 7.5, Speaking 8.5

"This was the best result I had. Thank you so much. I appreciate what you did for me."

After only 6 writing assignments, Dr. Pasha A. from Iran now has the band 7+ he needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Pasha!

OVERALL BAND 8.0 | Reading 8, Listening 9, Writing 7.5, Speaking 7.5

"It was my first time ever having the writing score to reach 7! Thank you so much for your advice!"

Q. What helped you the most from our one training session together?

A. "I think the reason I got Band 7 is the advice: if not sure, make it simple. That was what I followed while writing."

After ONE training session, Charles Y. from China scored 7 on writing, which he needs to work as an accountant. Congratulations, Charles!


"Thank you very much for your help which helped me to succeed finally. Your way of teaching is excellent and is targeted at the student’s weaknesses. I learned a lot from you and was able to improve my mistakes. Although I have achieved the desired IELTS goal, I want to continue online class. I request to allow me to continue online class. I want to attend all the modules at least one time.

There is no doubt that without your supervision, I could not have achieved my goal. I believe your teaching is the main support which elevated my English level. Thank you very much again for your time and efforts for me."

Dr. Mirza I. from Iraq finally got the band 7+ he needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Mirza!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 7, Listening 8, Writing 7, Speaking 7

"Jan helped me to get from Band 5.5 to Band 7.5 in writing. His class was very helpful because not only does he provide very detailed feedback, but we rewrite our work and he checks it again and provides more feedback. This gives me a chance to try to fix my mistakes by myself, and to see if I really understand my problems. We would then go over the problems I really don’t understand in detail. As well, we spend a lot of time on complex sentences and grammar, which has helped me feel much more confident when I write and when I speak. Thanks to Mr. Jan’s efforts, I finally got Band 7.5 in writing."

Q. What is your most valuable advice for other students?

A. "I believe that the secret is perseverance and confidence. It was a very hard and, simultaneously, enjoyable journey. Thank you for being a part of it and I really appreciate your help and recommendations."

Dr. Myssoun M. from Syria now has the Band 7+ she needs to practice medicine in Canada. Congratulations, Dr. Myssoun!

OVERALL BAND 7.5 | Reading 7, Listening 7, Writing 7.5, Speaking 7.5

"I asked Jan for help with my IELTS exam preparation because high score was extremely important for my immigration process. Jan’s approach is very different from what I’ve seen before. Jan pays a lot of attention to details and accurately identifies the systematic mistakes. For each of them Jan has a  respective course with both theoretical part and practical assignments. With Jan’s course I boosted my Writing from 6.0 to 7.0 in 5 weeks! I strongly recommend you take Jan’s course to prepare for IELTS exam properly and to get the highest score!"

After 5 weeks of training, Roman Z. from Ukraine now has the Band 7+ he needs for permanent residency (PR). Congratulations, Roman!

OVERALL BAND 8 | Reading 8.5, Listening 9, Writing 7, Speaking 7

"I took the exam 2 weeks ago, and my writing score was 7.0 (with the overall score 8.0), which is sufficient for our immigration procedure (for permanent residence)."

Elena E. from Ukraine now has the Band 8 overall she needs for permanent residency (PR). Congratulations, Elena!

OVERALL BAND 8 | Reading 9, Listening 7, Writing 7, Speaking 8

"I received my IELS results. I got an average of 8 for my exam and 7 for my writing. I am pretty happy with my results.  Thank you very for your help!"

Q.  What do you think helped you the most from our training?

"I think what helped me the most is the TREES structure of writing task 2. The structure is easy to follow and saves time, especially after I made some mistakes halfway through and had to rewrite the essay."

Li F. from China now has the Band 8 overall she needs for permanent residency (PR). Congratulations, Li!

OVERALL BAND 8 | Writing 7

Band 7 Boot Camp: Program Options

IELTS Writing Diagnosis with 1-1 Consultation

In-depth feedback on Writing Tasks #1 and #2 and 1-hour consultation for only $95

Talk to a former examiner and find out what you’re doing wrong and EXACTLY what you need to do to get Band 7+ on writing. Written feedback and Band score breakdown within 24 hours. 1-hour consultation within 1-3 days. 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

  • Full course access: lessons, templates, 100 models, IELTS grammar essentials course
  • Complete Task #1 and Task #2 prompts: receive written feedback and Band score within 24 hours.
  • One-to-one 60-minute training session within 1-3 days
  • Unlimited VIP Q+A (no expiry) 

95 CAD (not USD, no tax)

IELTS Writing Diagnosis with 1-1 Consultation

+ Feedback on 10 Prompts

In-depth feedback on Writing Tasks #1 and #2, 1-hour consultation, and in-depth feedback on 10 additional prompts for only $290

Talk to a former examiner and find out what you’re doing wrong and EXACTLY what you need to do to get Band 7+ on writing. Written feedback and Band score breakdown within 24 hours. 1-hour consultation within 1-3 days. 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

  • Full course access: lessons, templates, 100 models, IELTS grammar essentials course
  • Complete Task #1 and Task #2 prompts and receive written feedback and Band score breakdowns within 24 hours.
  • One-to-one 60-minute training session within 1-3 days: in-depth explanation of problems with your writing and exactly what you need to do to get Band 7+.
  • Choose ANY other 10 writing prompts for 2-stage feedback (no expiry).
  • Unlimited VIP Q+A (no expiry) 

290 CAD (not USD, no tax)

Writing Assessments with 2-Stage Feedback

  • Full course access: lessons, templates, 100 models, IELTS grammar essentials course
  • Choose any prompt from our huge collection (you can also provide your own). Receive written feedback and a Band score breakdown within 24 hours. Revise your writing for a 2nd round of feedback including corrections, suggestions for improvement, and targeted lessons based on errors.
  • Writing tasks never expire.
  • Unlimited VIP Q+A (no expiry) 

All prices are in Canadian dollars, not USD. There is no tax.

One-to-One Live Coaching

  • Go over writing assignments and grammar issues in detail.
  • Speaking mock assessments and coaching

Alex, our speaking coach, is a former IELTS examiner for British Council in China and IDP in Canada. In his career, he has interviewed over 6000 candidates. Alex has a post-graduate teaching diploma and a BA in sociology from UBC, and has been teaching in classrooms around the world for the past ten years.

Please get in touch to confirm availability: jan@torontoieltsprep.com | 416-822-2637 

290 CAD for four 1-hour classes (not USD, no tax)

100% satisfaction guarantee

You are fully protected by our

100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you aren't happy with the program for any reason, just let us know and we'll promptly give you a refund.

Jan Waginski signature

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do the writing tasks expire?

No. There is no expiration date on writing tasks.

Q. How much are additional writing tasks?

Additional writing tasks are 4 for 95, 10 for 195, and 20 for 345. All prices are in Canadian dollars and there is no tax.

There is no expiry on writing tasks.

Q. Do you offer help with speaking?

Yes. Alex, our speaking coach, is a former IELTS examiner for British Council in China and IDP in Canada. In his career, he has interviewed over 6000 candidates. Alex has a post-graduate teaching diploma and a BA in sociology from UBC, and has been teaching in classrooms around the world for the past ten years. 

Get in touch. Let's talk about beating IELTS in the fastest way possible.

  • jan@torontoieltsprep.com
  • Whatsapp: Jan Waginski
  • 416 822 2637